

ARCHIV | 6. Global Science Film Festival



Switzerland 2023

81 Min. OV/d


Regie: Lisa Gerig

Buch: Lisa Gerig

What happens when your future depends on telling your own life story? Four rejected asylum seekers relive the hearing on their reasons for fleeing their homelands thus shedding light on the core of the asylum procedure. Those who succeed in recounting the personal danger in their home country “credibly and without contradiction” have a better chance of receiving asylum. Will the interviewees be able to describe their memories of traumatic experiences in such a way that they meet the official criteria this time? A simple swapping of roles reverses the balance of power for once, with SEM interviewers answering the questions of the asylum seekers. In this way, THE HEARING not only provides insight into the crucial yet sensitive hearing, but also questions the asylum procedure itself. 

Debate: Asyl process in Switzerland 

Film director and writer: Lisa Gerig
Moderator: Gesa Teigelkötter

Filme werden in Blöcken gezeigt: Zusammen mit jedem Langfilm zeigen wir 1-2 Kurzfilme. Sie zahlen nur für die Langfilme.